The Wedding of Richard & Elisabeth Click to open

By the grace of God,
we are happy to share
the wedding of

Richard Ham


The Son of
Mr. Yonathan Ham
Mrs. Yuliana Kaka


Elisabeth Lusiani Pani


The Daughter of
Mr. Alfonsus Pani ()
Mrs. Angelina Pani ()



Richard & Elisabeth

23 / JUN / 24


23 June 2024



23 June 2024


Wishes for
Richard & Elisabeth

Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.

Semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah mawadah warohmah sampe tua aminn......

Benyamin Sakarias Kattupu
Happy Wedding Koko Richard Bersama Istri 🙏 Tuhan Yesus Memberkati Rumah Tangga Barunya 🙏😇

Roy Batbual
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Langgeng sampai maut memisahkan , semua yang terbaik buat Koko dan Cece.Tuhan Yesus Memberkati ..Amin

Yumi Poety
Selamat Menikah Ko Richard & Ce Lisbeth .. Doa yang terbaik untuk berdua. Semoga Tuhan Berkati sampai Akhir Hayat.. Aminnnn🙏😇

Dedi Lingu Lango

Bapak Loli
Langgeng sampe kakek nenek chad...🥰🥰🥰

Ferdinandus Leonard
Langgeng sampe opa & oma God bless always aminnnnn..

Happy wedding day Bettyyy 🩷🎀 finally yaa ! 🫶🏻 Wishing both of you have a blessed and happy married life 👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻 -MDT 🩵-

Yohani Paula
Congratulations Beth & Richard! soon to be husband and wife, I wish you both a lifetime of love, happiness, and endless adventures together. Cheers to the happily ever after. YP.

Melissa Tandiawan
Congratss ce Betiii Smoga lancar2 persiapannya, bahagia dan langgeng selalu ya kaliann ❤️ Akhirnyaaaa 😘😘

Theresia Fristi & Vira
Happy wedding Richard & Beth 💕 May your marriage life full of love & happiness, God bless ❤️

P. Agustinus Malo Bulu, CSsR
"Menikahi orang yang dicintai itu BIASA, tetapi mencintai dia yang anda nikahi itu LUAR BIASA". Selamat menyambut hari bahagia. GOD bless

Sigit Gita Tanazal
Happy Wedding to Richard&Elisabeth, may God bless both of you now and forever. Amin

Lulus Kuswaluyo
Selamat menjalani kehidupan baru yang penuh bahagia. ...

Agus Suhendra
Semoga mempelai berdua hidup rukun dan berbahagia

Kwee Tjiang Hoe
Tuhan menyertai sampe hari H semua berjalan lancar,,amin

Brantas Megantoro
Happy wedding for Richard & Elisabeth , langgeng sampai kakek & nenek

Hengky Samapaty
Selamat bahagia untuk Koko Ricat dan bet juga kedua rumpun kel....Tuhan memberkati

⁠Maria Vira
Happy wedding guys, God Bless Your Marriage🩷

Alvian siboe
Congratulation Adik Berdua😇 Tuhan Yesus & Bunda Maria Memberkati dan Menyertai Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Baru kalian😇🥰

⁠Delsiana Dawa
🥹 Congratsss bethh dan richard🎊 selamat menempuh hidup baru dengan penuh sukacita, sehat, dan makmur selalu😇 Tuhan Yesus menuntun dan menopang selalu keluarga baru beth dan richard🎊

Semoga segera di beri momongan yang ucul" aminnn

Thio Hongsiu
Semoga kehidupan setelah pernikahan lancar dan harmonis

Slmat menempuh hidup baru koko dan istri🥰😇🙏 Tuhan senantiasa memberkati rumah tangganya yg baru🥰😇🙏💐

Irhan Agung Mulyono
Selamat untuk calon pengantin baru! Cie ciee😎😎 Lancar sampai hri H temen kiciii😇😇

Ferdinand Pratama Minggu
Congrats buat kalian Semoga keluarga kalian berkati, bahagia selalu Cepat diberikan momongan 🥰

Ade Papa Rihi
Congratulations to Richard and Elisabeth, May you be a happy family

Ko Sihau
Happy wedding wishing u a lifetime of love & happiness,may the love u share today grow stronger as u grow old together.

Theo J. Sunartio
Selamat atas pernikahannya, semoga hidup bahagia selalu. Tuhan Yesus memberkati

Jimmy Tanujaya
Selamat menempuh hidup baru..Tuhan Yesus Memberkati

Rudi Tjiang & Ny. Sie Mariana
selamat berbahagia buat ponakan... kiranya kasih Tuhan yg sdh menyatukan kalian akan selalu menyertai kalian dlm kehidupan rumah tangga kalian.... peliharalah kasih dlm damai di dlm hidup kalian bahagia selalu sampai lanjut usia kalian

Lerry kopaloma
Tamu 2 Orang Bapak Lerry & Ibu Lerry

Jerry Chandra
Congratulations for your wedding Richard & Beth I’m so happy for you both, with all up’s and down’s in your journey, finally both of you can become One Congratulations once again ❤️

Jeffry Jacob Wulur
"Selamat Menempuh Perjalanan Baru Bro.. "

Yudy Toha
Selamat Berbahagia buat mempelai berdua...Tuhan memberkati🙏

Tjiang Rolly Chandra
Congratulations buat pengantin berdua bersama keluarga Pernikahan adalah untuk mencari kebahagiaan bersama sama ❤❤❤

Moses Latipra
Congratulations on starting your new life, I hope your journey of happiness will be more perfect and complementary.👩‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👨

Eduardo Eki
Langgeng sampe opa oma

Ayi Ngan
Selamat Berbahagia untuk kedua Mempelai


In the bustling cityscape, Richard's shy demeanor melted away as he encountered Elisabeth in a quaint café, his heart quickening with each step towards her amidst the presence of oblivious friends. Introduced through a mutual cousin, their bond flourished over late-night chats and shared laughter, fostering an undeniable connection that unfolded within a mere two months.

On the auspicious day of August 18, 2022, Richard and Elisabeth embraced their newfound love. Fate intervened when Elisabeth found herself in Surabaya, greeted by a surprise delivery – a bouquet of flowers and a heartfelt video call from Richard, culminating in an unequivocal "yes" that sealed their destiny.

Then, during a prewedding shoot on a beautiful beach at sunset, Richard proposed to Elisabeth, marking the beginning of their new chapter. Against the backdrop of golden skies and gentle waves, their story found its perfect continuation, with a promise of a lifetime together.

I have seen the best of you
and the worst of you, and I choose both